Distributed small-scale wholesale trading marketplace

What is Pogranda.
This is a market that brings together many manufacturers, distributors, retailers, hubs, certification organizations, transport companies and sales agents. Pogranda informationally provides the entire chain of movement of goods from the manufacturer to the store on the corner. All processes for making a wholesale transaction on Pogranda completely repeat what you did offline. All the same, only much more convenient and faster. Trading in bulk has never been easier. Join us if you haven’t done so already!

How to become a member of the wholesale market.
Pogranda membership is completely free. Signing up is very simple. It is enough to specify the login under which you will log in, the password and your main email to manage your organization’s account. In the settings, you can choose an unlimited number of employees, each of whom will work on the market under your password on behalf of your company.

How to do wholesale.
After registration you will be able to open a list of available orders and sign the one that suits you (or submit your own if you did not find an acceptable one for yourself). Orders come in three forms: offer, request, and regular ad. Each transaction is made through the delivery / reception of products to a hub suitable for both parties.
In addition, you can directly close a deal without a hub. For this, the Pogranda system provides the ability to submit standard announcements for the B2B sector. We recommend that you use this option to place work orders if your offer or request is unique or requires clarification of its essence by non-standard methods. In all other cases, we recommend using the standardized trading platform.

What is a Pogranda hub.
A hub in a distributed wholesale market does not at all mean huge storage space and expensive handling equipment. For some goods and product groups, any store that can accept them for short-term storage can be used as a hub. The supplier brings the goods to the hub within the agreed time, and the buyer takes it back at the agreed time.
I have my own hub. How to register it.
This is very easy to do. To do this, send a request to the moderator to increase the limit of hubs for your organization. Pogranda limit increases are also free. In addition, free CRM for warehouses will be available to you. Moderation is necessary only for participants to create only hubs that exist in reality.

How certificates work.
To eliminate information noise from non-existent offers, a decentralized approach to certification of participants was adopted at the Pogranda site. For example, a hub may issue or sell certificates only to those participants in whose integrity it is convinced. Also on the site there is the possibility of certification of both participants and specified orders by private certification companies that value their reputation and issue certificates only to bona fide participants.

What products can I trade on Pogranda.
Pogranda distributed trading platform allows you to trade any standardized goods. This may be the wholesale trade in scrap metal, food products, feed, wood, building materials, mixtures, fuel, recyclables, fasteners and other non-unique mass-produced goods. If for some reason your product group is not in the list, we will quickly add it upon request.
How to sell non-standard products.
For wholesale trade in unique goods and also technically sophisticated products (for example: special equipment, electronic equipment, spare parts, services), the Pogranda market provides for the usual system of submitting ordinary announcements to the board for everyone. But such ads do not fall into the system of automatic processing of work orders.

Yes, but we are working on a different scheme. How to be?
Pogranda is a flexible trading platform. Our goal is to create a system that can informationally repeat exactly how your business works. So that you do not adjust your work processes to the portal structure, but vice versa. Pogranda is currently being actively developed. If you are missing some functionality, just tell us about it. It is possible that we will implement it faster than you find an analogue suitable for this task. And this, by the way, is also free, the main thing is that your task be claimed by the interests of other market participants.
Is Pogranda really for free?
Yes, all existing Pogranda functionality is completely free. The ability to trade on the Pogranda wholesale market is unlimited. We issue certificate forms for free, we increase limits also for free. Moderation exists only to exclude dubious or illegal offers. If you think this cannot be free, you can transfer the voluntary donation to developers.
Is it possible to advertise.
There are several places for advertising on the website, but advertising should not interfere with other participants (like, advertising spaces between work orders or in the interface of the office no employee). Currently, there is a place for an advertising banner on the welcome page of the site and there is a place for a compact line in the footer of the site. Perhaps after creating the news feed, the news will also have a place for banners (but this is not sure). Other advertising spots on the site are not provided.

We would like to support the project.
We are always happy for any support! You can support with translation into foreign languages. You can support disseminate information about the project among your colleagues and business partners. You can support using Donat to maintain and improve servers or to increase the staff of Pogranda. You can support with a consultation about what is missing on the site. You can support in some other way.